NAIOP and Prologis Announce 2023 CRE Scholarship Recipients

Feb. 17, 2023 - Fifteen individuals have been selected as the recipients of the annual NAIOP and Prologis Inclusion in CRE Scholarship for Women and Underrepresented Professionals. The program, now in its sixth year, is designed to prepare a pipeline of diverse talent for development and operations positions in commercial real estate by connecting young professionals with mentors and advancing their industry knowledge. Seventy-five recipients have been honored by the program to date. 

The 2023 recipients are:

Congratulations to Scholarship Recipients

“NAIOP is proud to recognize these standout professionals with scholarships and special mentorship opportunities through our program with Prologis,” said NAIOP President and CEO Marc Selvitelli, CAE. “Promoting diverse talent is critical to the long-term success of the commercial real estate industry and remains one of NAIOP’s key priorities. We value the opportunity to support these professionals as they build their careers.”

“Congratulations to this year’s scholarship recipients,” said Kim Snyder, 2023 NAIOP chair and West Region President of Prologis. “NAIOP is committed to helping grow diverse talent in our industry. Investing in people, like this program does, is the way to bring more diversity and innovation to commercial real estate.”


As part of the program, each of the recipients will have the opportunity to earn the NAIOP Certificate of Advanced Study in Commercial Real Estate Development, delivered through courses in NAIOP’s The Center for Education, at no cost. This comprehensive program is built on core competencies critical to success in the development industry. Scholarship recipients will be recognized at either I.CON West: The Industrial Conference, March 8-9, 2023, in Long Beach, California, or I.CON East: The Industrial Conference, June 7-8, 2023, in Jersey City, New Jersey, where they will connect with industry mentors and hear insights from industrial real estate leaders from across North America.

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About NAIOP: NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, is the leading organization for developers, owners and related professionals in office, industrial, retail and mixed-use real estate. NAIOP comprises 21,000 members in North America. NAIOP advances responsible commercial real estate development and advocates for effective public policy. For more information, visit

Kathryn Hamilton
