Trends in Global Manufacturing, Goods Movement and Consumption

By: Curtis Spencer, President, IMS Worldwide, Inc.

Release Date: September 2010

Global shifts in manufacturing have occurred as supply chain visibility tools and logistics management networks have provided access to more remote and lower cost labor centers. The main factors which have induced these manufacturing trends include the increase in global demand for consumer goods and continued improvements to the systems necessary for managing inventory and sales across international boundaries. However, real challenges remain as volatility impacts all aspects of the supply chain, and it is these volatilities which are the subject of this white paper.  

The white paper looked at significant logistics drivers which may impact industrial space over the next 10 years, including an analysis of which ports will benefit by the expansion of the Panama Canal and how this will affect local, regional and inland industrial space in the distribution sector. The white paper also provides an analysis of current goods-movements infrastructures and how this may or may not impact site selection, as well as how it will affect manufacturing and distribution activities.