Exploring the New Sharing Economy
Release Date: April 2015
On June 11, 2015, NAIOP hosted a webinar presented by author John Madden, Director of Sustainability and Engineering Campus + Community Planning, University of British Columbia. The webinar discussed the cultural shift towards what researchers are labeling the "sharing economy" — where people share not only cars, tools and bikes, but also kitchens and common space — and how it has set off a wave of new building designs and features as America's commercial real estate industry responds to the demand. Download the recording.
The sharing economy is challenging policy makers and regulators who are trying to wrestle with how to protect public interests without suppressing all the associated benefits that come with this nascent economic force. This white paper explores the impact that the sharing economy is having on our cities in the areas of transportation, food systems, housing and short term accommodations, and commercial space. It also explores the various approaches of policy makers and regulators in tackling the complex issues associated with this emerging economic system.