Getting to Know Greg Fuller

Spring 2019 Issue
By: Greg Fuller
Greg Fuller

Already this year as chairman, I’ve had the opportunity to meet many members at the Chapter Leadership & Legislative Retreat, as well as during some chapter visits. 

Already this year as chairman, I’ve had the opportunity to meet many members at the Chapter Leadership & Legislative Retreat, as well as during some chapter visits. To help others get to know me, Development magazine asked a few questions about my plans as chairman and my outlook for our industry. I’m pleased to share my responses with you here.

What are your goals as chairman?

Throughout my 20 years of NAIOP membership, I’ve seen tremendous leadership at the helm of this organization. So, as a nod to their contributions, my biggest goal is not to derail any of the great work that’s come before me! In all seriousness, I have three overarching goals for the year: 1) To continue our important work on increasing diversity in our industry through our initiatives and partnerships that focus on high school and college students; 2) to enhance NAIOP events and content specific to the office sector, since that sector is my primary area of focus; and 3) to help our National Forums program evolve and continue to grow, helping transition Developing Leaders onto Forums. I’m a 20-plus-year Forums member. I have found tremendous value in the program, and it’s essential that we continue to fuel it with new voices and members.

Why is diversity in the industry so important?

Our industry has a lot work to do to attract and incorporate minorities and women into our businesses, particularly in leadership positions. Granite Properties, too, has made this a priority, and today 51 percent of our employees are women and 30 percent are in the executive ranks. Diversity by age is also very important, as it provides diversity of thought. Given the technological advances that have been made in the past decade, our companies must rely on younger workers who understand intuitively how technology can increase productivity and efficiency, and provide new ways to serve our customers.

Why should our members be engaged legislatively?

Because it matters. Whether you pay attention or not, what happens in Washington, D.C., in state houses and in provinces will eventually affect you and your business. It’s imperative for our governments to understand that our industry drives millions of jobs and has a huge economic impact.

What can NAIOP do to prepare its members for an inevitable downturn?

Information is key to preparation. Navigating your career or company is all about implementing strategies today that prepare you for a better, or at least “less bad,” future. Through its conferences, courses, Research Foundation and industry content, NAIOP empowers its members to be as well prepared as anyone in the industry.

What do you see in the future for office real estate, and what’s shaping the sector?

Office has gone through a sea change in the past five years as we’ve seen a race to provide greater amenities and hospitality services to tenants. Technology is changing very quickly, both in terms of tenant interaction and how buildings function. Flexibility is high on the list of what customers want, through coworking, shorter-term leases and shared amenities. Automated cars, the evolution of shared workspaces and flexible leases, and same-day delivery are having big impacts on CRE now, and will continue to in the years ahead.





Gregory P. Fuller
President and Chief Operating Officer, Granite Properties, Inc.
2019 NAIOP Chairman


All About Greg

Bachelor of Arts in Economics, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri

MBA, University of Dallas, Dallas, Texas

My wife Julia and I live in Dallas, and our daughter Elise and son Wesley are both in college.

Last book read?
“Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance” by Angela Duckworth

Best vacation spot and out-of-the-office activity?
Location doesn’t matter: beach, lake or mountains — but I like to golf wherever we go


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