Meet Jeff Milanaik, NAIOP 2022 Chair

Watch a short video and get to know Jeff Milanaik, 2022 NAIOP chair, and hear his outlook for NAIOP and the commercial real estate industry.

“I am humbled and honored to be recognized as the 2022 chair,” said Jeff Milanaik in a message to NAIOP members. “I believe the challenge before NAIOP is to continually push, as we did through the pandemic, to reinvent ourselves to meet those challenges.”

Milanaik is a 33-year NAIOP member, having joined the organization in 1989. Throughout his long membership, he has given his time as a member of the Board of Directors, where he has led the Membership and Chapter Relations, Business Development and Government Affairs committees.

He is a member of the NAIOP CEO/Leadership Group and the Industrial Development IV National Forum, as well as serving as a NAIOP Research Foundation Governor and a member of the Industry Trends Task Force. He is a member of NAIOP New Jersey.

Milanaik is a Partner, Northeast Region, with Bridge Industrial, where he is responsible for the acquisition and development of investment-grade industrial buildings that provide opportunities to add value.