National Forums

Be a part of NAIOP's flagship program for exclusive networking and experience exchange.

Responsibilities and Guidelines


Successful Forum meetings comes from the active participation of members. Regularly volunteer to present on work you have done, or lead discussions on topics of interest to your group. Help to make it a valuable experience for your fellow members by sharing details and lessons learned. Refrain from self-promotion and pitching your company’s services.

Confidentiality Expectation

Information shared between Forum members, both during and outside of meeting times, is to be considered strictly confidential. The open sharing of information between members, which makes the National Forums experience so unique, is dependent upon members honoring this important guideline.

Attendance Requirement

Members may not miss more than two meetings in their three-year term. At three missed meetings, a member may be asked to resign.

Members who are removed from a Forum because of attendance issues may reapply at a later date.

Forum Appointment

A Forums appointment is for three years, or six meetings. Members may be reappointed to their Forum for additional three-year terms.
