National Forums
Be a part of NAIOP's flagship program for exclusive networking and experience exchange.
Guide to Presenting and Leading Discussions at Meetings
The open exchange of information and experience between members is the hallmark of the National Forums program. The success of each meeting is dependent on each member actively participating in the program and in group discussions.
The main ways that Forum members gain insights from each other’s professional experience is through case presentations to the group and member led discussions. These components are described below.
Case Presentations
Member presentations are at the core of the National Forums experience. By volunteering for a presentation, you are helping to make your meeting a valuable one for the group.
At each meeting, a number of members will individually present on a project they have, or currently are, working on. The goal of these presentations is to stimulate discussion between members and to provide insight in to the issues that arose during the project and how they were addressed. The more details that the presenter can provide, the greater the value there is for the group.
Case Presentation Specifics
- Total presentation time is approximately 45 minutes
- 20-25 minutes for the presentation
- 20-25 minutes for Q&A and discussion
- A projector for visuals will be provided
- A computer is not provided
- If you have a Mac, or tablet, you will need to bring your own connector for the projector
Member Led Discussion
Topics are selected by the volunteer keeping in mind what would be relevant to the group. The moderator typically starts the discussion with a brief overview of the topic and a description of the related issues affecting the industry. It is helpful to have a formalized list of questions for the group prepared in advance of the meeting to help structure the discussion. Following the topic overview, the moderator facilitates the discussion and keeps track of time.
Member Led Discussion Specifics
- Total time is approximately 30 minutes
- 5 minutes for topic overview and statement of issues (moderator)
- 25 minutes for group discussion
Confidentiality Expectation
Information shared between forum members, both during and outside of meeting times, is to be considered strictly confidential. The open sharing of information between members, which makes the National Forums experience so unique, is dependent upon members honoring this important guideline.