National Forums

Be a part of NAIOP's flagship program for exclusive networking and experience exchange.

About the Program

Learn about the program, its benefits, and the various groups.

  • Take advantage of a structured and focused way to meet the right people.
  • Gain from the experience and vision of a close network of peers.
  • Expand your thinking with new ideas from other areas of the United States and Canada.
  • Get to know people well, in a small group format, where everyone feels welcome exchanging information.
  • Continue to exchange information and network throughout the year, by participating in the National Forum email listservs, open only to Forum members.
  • Access an online photo directory of all National Forum members, with each member's personal background information.
  • Access to all content at NAIOP’s annual conference in the fall.

The application period is currently closed.

An Atmosphere of Confidentiality

A Forum atmosphere is one of trust, openness and confidentiality. Each Forum is capped at approximately 20 individuals to provide an optimum setting for discussion and debate among the participants.

Because the members of the group are geographically diverse, NAIOP National Forums surmount competitive barriers that may exist with local networking. In a National Forum, members feel free to interact openly with each other, and benefit from the input and expertise of the group. As they participate in this exchange of knowledge, Forum members find solutions to individual problems and identify new opportunities. NAIOP National Forums bring executive networking to the next level.

Networking Is On the Agenda

The Chair and Vice Chair of each Forum, in conjunction with selected Forum members, develop the session's agenda based on each area of specialization. Typical agendas may include such items as:

  • Identify trends and assess the likely impact;
  • Identify opportunities and how to harness them;
  • Identify problems and propose solutions;
  • Examine environmental factors for their impact;
  • Present and examine case studies;
  • Discuss market conditions around the country;
  • Identify specific information needs and recommended how to fulfill them.