Dana M. Peterson

The Conference Board  | Chief Economist and Center Leader, Economy, Strategy & Finance

With more questions than answers in today’s economic landscape, Dana M. Peterson, chief economist for the Conference Board, has established herself as a visionary, and the go-to expert providing insightful analysis and predictions to corporations, associations and government organizations looking for clarity and foresight into how economic drivers might impact their businesses in the short- and long-term. With over two decades of experience in the field, she serves as the globally recognized think tank’s public face and primary spokesperson on all things related to the economy.

Peterson’s research and insights expand across topic areas that directly impact financial market implications, including monetary policy; fiscal and trade policy; debt, taxation; environmental, social and governance principles; consumption; and demographics. When speaking, she provides a clear-cut, up-to-the-minute overview, helping groups make sense of the economic environment and the risks, challenges, and opportunities it presents to organizations and society. As part of an immersive deep dive supported by her own sought-after quantitative research and findings, Peterson discusses the labor markets, gross domestic product, and inflation, relating the subject matter back to audience members’ organizations and industries and offering practical steps for adapting to economic disruption.

In addition to serving as chief economist of The Conference Board and a member of its Executive Committee, Peterson also leads the organization’s U.S. Economy, Strategy & Finance (ESF) Center – directing and managing its research programs and spearheading the quality and integrity of creation and dissemination of its full knowledge portfolio. Alongside her work and research, Peterson is a member of the Board of Directors for NBER, NABE, and the Global Interdependence Center, First Vice Chair of the New York Association for Business Economics, and a member of the NBEIC, the Forecasters Club, and the Council on Foreign Relations.
